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How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App

The proliferation in the adoption of smartphones and the lavishing features of mobile apps have made the businesses turn towards embracing mobile technology. Say it, a startup, a reputed brand or the coffee shop at the next corner, everyone is developing a mobile application to target a wider audience, get more sales, engage the customers effectively, and therefore, enhance their business growth.

In such a scenario, it is likely that you too are excited to enter the mobile market and uplift your brand, which is a great idea too. But, before you get in touch with the best mobile app developers and begin with the app development process, I recommend going through this blog to find out how much does it cost to develop an app and make a profitable decision with the insights gained.

But before that, let me pop the bubble disclosing that THERE’S NO AS SUCH FIXED COST TO BUILD AN APP.

The mobile application development cost depends on various factors, whose value changes depending on the time and efforts required. So, the right way to get an estimated cost is to look into these factors and determine how much time and efforts are required to embed them into your development process:-

Factors to Consider for Determining How Much Does it Cost to Create an App

App Features and Complexity plays a pivotal role in determining how much does it cost to develop an app. If your app idea is too complex to execute or the number of app screens is higher, the development will consumer higher time and efforts, which signifies a higher app cost.

As per the mobile experts, the cost to develop an app like WhatsApp or Tinder takes nearly 1800-2500 hours, whereas a standalone app can be made ready within 600-900 hours.

The decision of whether you want to develop an app for Android, iPhone, Mac, Web, or all will also bring an impact on the app cost. If you want to build a native app, the cost to create a mobile app will be higher as compared to the cost to create a cross-platform app. Also, the cost for developing an Android app will be somewhat higher than that in the case of an iOS app.

Likewise, the app cost will also differ based upon the technology/framework you consider. For example, the cost of React Native app development is in between $15,000 and $50,000. While, the Blockchain app development cost will be somewhere around $30,000 to $1,80,000.

Another factor adding to the app price is app design. If you choose a standard app design, the lesser efforts, innovation and time will be required, implying a cheaper process. Whereas, if you want to build a customized, enticing design like that of Uber or Instagram, you will have to look into various design processed, modules, and tools, which will demand higher budget. Apart from this, the cost will also vary depending on the number of app screens and the technologies/gestures involved.

According to the best mobile app development firms, a simple design requires only 150 hours, whereas a completely engaging design demands 300 hours at a minimum.

When it comes to mobile app development cost breakdown, the major factor to consider is app coding. The higher the time and efforts required for creating an app, the higher will be its price. This is influenced by the programming language, technologies, and tools you opt for creating an app.

Besides, the decision to develop an app from scratch or reusing the existing code also affect the app cost. As per the experts, the process of code reuse can lower down the total app cost by nearly 30%.

The efforts you need to put into the testing process, or better say quality assurance, depends highly on the app complexity and the quality of code. If your app is small and sweet, with clear coding, lesser bugs will arise, resulting in lesser testing time. Whereas, on the flip side, you might have to invest much higher time in the testing process to ensure your app become fit for the market.

Apart from this, the number and type of testing tools you employ into the process also make a difference in the app cost.

When it comes to app launch, the cost can be calculated in two sub-divisions. Firstly, is the fixed app cost value which is $99/yr for submitting an app on Apple’s App Store and a one-time fee of $25 for app submission on Google Play Store.

Secondly, is the varied cost that depends on the time and efforts your developers have put into the process of ASO marketing.

The cost to get the best mobile application development services is directly proportional to the number of team members. If a freelancer is working on your app project, he would charge around $2000-$20,000 depending on your app complexity. However, a mid-cap app development company will ask for $25,000 to $2,00,000 so as to get enough monetary funds to pay to all their infrastructure and other expenses. Likewise, a reputed, well-established app development firm with 2000+ employees will demand $3,50,000 as the app cost.

The location also influences the cost to build an app. If you choose a developer from the Western countries, you would have to pay a few bucks more, when compared to selecting an app development company from Asian countries (as you can see in the picture below). So, pick your app partner location-wise and if possible, outsource your app needs to Asian countries like India.

The app development process does not end at the app launch. So, it is required that you also add the cost to update an app or maintain an app in your budget.

As per the experts, the app maintenance cost is nearly 20% of the total app development cost. Whereas, the cost to release an app update depends on the features and technologies you are planning to integrate into your mobile app, implying estimate the cost to develop an app with a fresh approach.

So, here are some of the factors that you can keep in your mind while estimating how much does it cost to develop an app. For getting an exact value, it is better to discuss your app idea with a reputed app development agency.

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