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Answering A Phone Call Says A Great Deal About Your Business

There might be number of reasons for a certain business to be successful, but the important of them all is customer satisfaction and its transition to customer loyalty. Answering the customer for their queries, which is through phone calls more often these days, plays a significant role in imprinting the impression of your business in their brains. Here, phone answering skills plays critical role in business, as the telephone conversation is still the most popular way of contacting the customers in their business. The way your company will be handling the calls will create the customer’s first impression.  Some of the tips given here regarding telephone answering services will make sure to win callers satisfaction.

The first and foremost point to remember is that all incoming calls should be attended before the third ring, as more than that delay will create an impression of negligence towards the caller. While answering the phone call the person’s voice should be enthusiastic and warm. You must remember that your voice is going to affect the person’s impression of your company.

While answering a phone call, you should welcome the callers courteously and the first thing to do is self identification and also about your organization.   For instance good morning. Ram solutions, shyam speaking. How may I help you?. This helps in giving clarity for the clarity for the caller, that they had reached correct business.

The voice volume should be maintained moderate and speak slowly and clearly, while answering a telephone call. This helps in clear understanding of the content by the caller. Extremities and high pitches should be avoided as much as possible.

Always it’s a good practice to ask if the caller can be kept on hold for some time. Also you should not leave people on hold for a longer period of time, if it becomes necessary, you should come in between and inform the caller and take his/her person for the extension of the hold. Generally this should be repeated at  interval of 30 to 45 seconds. This excuse should be in a polite tone like the line is still busy. Will you continue to stay on hold or shall I have miss shyam back?.

Your voice should be trained and your vocabulary used should be positive while answering the call, even on a ‘down’ day. Like instead of saying I don’t know, it’s better to say let me find out about that for you. One more important tip is that you should not show slightest negligence in taking the details of the caller, i.e. their surnames etc. If their surnames are not clearly pronounces its better to ask for spelling. Also you should make sure that the message intended for the caller reaches him/her.

Responding to all your calls in one business day is the best practice to be cultivated. As the early caller might help in solving a problem or get a contract and help in reinforcing the positive impression of your business that you might wish for.

If an answering machine is being used to answer the calls it’s better to make an appropriate professional message recorded for relevant purposes. And that message should be updated with all valid details, which helps the callers contacting you as soon as the business reopens. You can get good number of telephone answering services like PA telephone answering service in Cambridge.

The staff that will be providing these services should be well trained to answer the calls in the same way. You can always check your business call service whether working professionally or not by giving it a call. By following the tips above you can make sure that your telephone answering service will be the best, creating ground for a successful business.

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